Photo by: Soyol-Erdene Tsegmid
Date taken: 23-Nov-08
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss X2
Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/40
ISO: 800
Welcome to IUJ Photography Club. This blog is setup to facilitate photo sharing by the club members.
Every month, the club will create a new theme for the members to submit and share photos. Enjoy the photos and feel free to comment on the photo!
For further enquiries, please feel free to send an email to iujphotographyclub@gmail.com.
The International University of Japan (国際大学, Kokusai Daigaku or IUJ) is a private university located in Minami Uonuma city in Niigata Prefecture, Japan.
IUJ is the first, and one of the few Japanese universities which run their courses entirely in English. It was founded in 1982, primarily with the aim of providing a platform for delegates from all over the world to come together and work towards the betterment of the world.
IUJ offers Master's degrees in international development, international peace studies and international relations, as well as MBA programs in business administration and e-business. IUJ is fully approved and accredited by the Ministry of Education, Japan.
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